Innovation Process

What is the methodology that ensure reliable results?

I Want To Innovate

When you want to innovate, we question the market players about their work habits, their challenges, their pain points, the solutions they currently use and their limitations.

I Have An Innovation

When you have an innovation to test, we question the market players on the impact this innovation could have in their business and on the key success factors for its adoption.

animated boatPath of Umi's process

Use Case: Single Innovation Test

Online Survey
'Your Objective' written with a boat and a compass
Your Market Test Manager
To guide you throughout the project
'Your Value Proposition' written with form input lines'Your Questionnaire' heading with multiple choice questions 'Your Targeting' heading with multiple choice questions
United States of America flag
French flag

Adapted Project

Issues, Context, Solution, Functionalities...

Addition Of Local language Pack

Up to 34 Languages Available

Methodology based Questionnaires

5 to 30 custom questions based on templates to help you in the design

Iterative Innovation Tests

mechanical parts of a vehicle
Questionnaire to
Validate the needs
50 Feedback
Definition of a solution
to be tested
50 Feedback
Construction of VP
to be adjusted
50 Feedback
Optimised offer
ready to be launched
3 Innovative Tests — 6 Months to 1 Year
3 Innovative Tests — 6 Months to 1 Year

UMI : Pack of Tests, Prioritize a Project Portfolio

graph of market needs

Innovation Factory

Innovation Process Transformation at a Corporate Level

Our Innovation factory allows you to gather the feedback of all your tests, to visualise and compare the results of all your tests,  to sort them. You take global and precise decisions to make innovation more efficient

'Targeting Criteria' heading with buttons'Ranking of their pains' heading with a chart of pain points'Projects in this Scope' heading with listed projects

market needs


I want to innovate on a topic and I have not yet identified the precise needs of the market players.


I will describe the context and let the market players, who are relevant for this subject, express themselves in order to:
- confirm that there are opportunities for innovation
- identify their needs in relation to this subject

I will also:
- identify current and future trends / areas of development
- prioritize the first pre-identified issues
- identify active market players in the field
- anticipate the potential impact on the relevant markets

At this stage, I will not present a solution.


I will know whether or not there are opportunities for innovation on this subject. If so, I will have the list of needs as expressed by the market players.

I will be able to contact the professionals who expressed their interest.

Market needs diagram example
Umi's logo

market needs


I have identified potential needs: unresolved issues, specific expectations…


I will describe these potential needs and present them to relevant market players to confirm if they exist and their criticality.

I will also:
- rank their needs
- identify the solutions they use or know about
- know the limits of these solutions according to them
- ...

At this stage, I will not present a solution.


I will know if my hypotheses about the market needs are confirmed or invalidated, and thus, if it is advisable or not to propose a solution to meet those needs.

I will be able to contact the professionals who expressed their interest.

hypothetical needs diagram example
Umi's logo

Sourcing Solutions / Suppliers


I have a problem to solve for which I want to identify solutions / suppliers.


I will describe my expectations (specifications, requirements, ...) to:
- identify solutions / suppliers that can solve my problem
- evaluate the problem-solution fit with my specifications

I will also: 
- determine the maturity level of the proposed solutions
- discover who has a similar problem
- identify other market players working on the subject
- ...


I will get a list of potential solutions and suppliers.

I will be able to contact the professionals who expressed their interest.

problems to solve and needs to search for diagram example
Umi's logo

Receptive Markets


I have a solution for which I am looking for potential application markets.


I will describe my solution (principle, specifications...) and submit it to stakeholders in different markets in order to:
- identify those who perceive an interest for it in their field
- detect the problems that it could solve
- evaluate their willingness to adopt it

I will also:
- rank features / properties / options...
- determine the expected specifications
- identify the potential adoption barriers
- identify existing solutions that are used and their limits
- evaluate the volume at stake 
- ...


I will get a list of potential application markets and their respective needs.

I will be able to contact the professionals who expressed their interest.

needs to detect and search for diagram example
Umi's logo

Validating The Interest In My Project


I have an innovative solution to propose in response to a need. I want to verify / demonstrate that my project is of interest to market players. I have already identified the potential markets.


I will describe the problem I think I am solving and the solution that I’m proposing in order to: 
- confirm the existence and criticality of the need
- validate that the market perceives its value and is ready to adopt my solution

I will also:
- rank market issues
- identify existing solutions that are used and their limits
- rank the functionalities / properties... of my solution
- identify the perceived strengths and weaknesses
- validate the willingness to pay
- rank the target markets according to their level of interest,
- ...


I will know the market’s level of interest in my project and can decide to continue on, by fine-tuning my value proposition, to pivot, or to abandon it without any regrets.

I will be able to contact the professionals who expressed their interest.

hypothetical need and proposed solution diagram example
Umi's logo

Optimizing My
Value Proposition


I have an innovative project that I have already validated with the market: there is a proven need and confirmation of the relevance of my solution. I now want to adjust my value proposition.


I will describe my value proposition in order to rank and prioritize the features that are favored by the market players: strengths, advantages, argumentation...

I will also:
- rank the adoption barriers
- confirm my competitive positioning
- validate the price positioning
- validate the business model
- validate the sales channel(s)


I will have a value proposition that is perfectly aligned with market expectations and ready to launch.

I will be able to contact the professionals who expressed their interest.

validated need and adapted solution diagram example
Umi's logo

The Market